Dear Kingsway-Sunnylea Residents and all members of the Kingsway Park Ratepayers Inc.,
The Board of Directors would like to thank you all for your continued support. As you know, the development at 2915 Bloor Street West near Prince Edward is a turning point for our neighbourhood as it the first application in over a decade, and much has changed since then.
A new local group called SKCA, made up of residents, is focused on this particular application. They have been holding meetings and fund raising to ensure a lawyer and a planner are hired to carry their vision to the OMB tribunal. This development will test the Avenue Study, ( brought about by the KPRI nearly 20 years ago) against that of the Mid Rise Avenue Guidelines of 2010. The KPRI has been communicating with the SKCA, sharing vital information and help and will continue to do so.
In order to keep the neighbourhood united, the KPRI will take Participant status at the OMB and leave the Party status for the SKCA group, who expect to be represented by a lawyer and a planner. (Details regarding Participant and Party status can be accessed here.) There is no point diluting fundraising efforts. Anyone desiring to donate to SKCA should access their website at
Councillor Justin Di Ciano has ensured that we have the City Solicitor, Planning Staff and “such experts as the City Solicitor may determine are needed” (click here for further details ) to represent us at The Ontario Municipal Board, and for that we are very grateful. For once, we have the City Staff, Council and our local representative on our side. In the past, we have had to fight the City as well as the developer from the donations of the neighborhood's purse. We have full confidence in staff making the case to defend our avenue study with every planning argument at their disposal, all paid for by our own tax dollars.
We will continue to scrutinize every development on this file and all new applications to come, via our subscribed newsletter and our revamped website. To make our efforts even more fruitful, volunteers are always welcome to share the research burden and the occasional glass of wine and a laugh. Membership fees are not onerous: $20.00 a year!
Ensure you are listed as a subscriber to Councillor Justin Di Ciano's excellent monthly E-Newsletter. Sign up at: and Councillor John Campbell's at newsletter is also useful.
Fiona Campbell, President
Kingsway Park Ratepayers Inc.
Thank you for supporting your community ratepayers association, serving your area for over 50 years..