What follows is a summary of what was said by various members of the meeting. Comments inside quotes are a paraphrasing of what was stated.
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Steve Rankine, KPRI Director, Meeting Facilitator
“our focus is on developing a common pool of knowledge that we as residents can use effectively to prevent bad developments in our neighbourhood“
The following links have much information for increasing your knowledge about the OMB process:
· OMB process, Questions & Answers: http://elto.gov.on.ca/omb/
· Transcripts of OMB Decisions (try typing Kingsway in top search box): https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onomb/
Councillor Justin Di Ciano
where we are, where we’re headed --- 2915-2917 Bloor Street application
- “Although there are some positive qualities to the design of the building such as high-quality building materials, setbacks for trees and patios, etc., we are not in favour of the proposed height of nine stories. That is what we are fighting against.
- “Everyone should read the staff report that explains in detail why the city said no to the application.” The link to the staff report is here:
- “The city has allocated legal and planning resources to fight the application at the OMB.”
- “The OMB prehearing is scheduled for June 29, 2017 (10 AM , 655 Bay Street, 16th floor, Toronto)”
- “All residents are invited to attend this public hearing. It's important to attend to show your support. It makes a difference.”
Michael S Flynn, Government Relations Consultant
- "Anyone showing up as a participant needs to do more than state their feelings. They should provide some factual evidence to support what they are saying."
- "Mediation between the city and the developer’s legal departments may continue right up to the hearing date, and beyond as well. " (Councillor Di Ciano’s successful motion at City Hall reflects this, as it states “City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to continue negotiations with the applicant “) See item 3 of City Council Decision and other details here) "A negotiated settlement is always preferred."
- "When the OMB rules in favour of residents they can also require the developer to keep the same quality of design at the lower height of the design."
Comments from Residents
More than one resident reiterated the preference that the community act as a unified whole rather than different groups working in different directions. Steve Rankine responded that, while subgroups within the community can always band together and do as they please, the KPRI always prefers a unified approach based on a comprehensive community pool of knowledge.
One resident with experience in urban design expressed the importance of early involvement with urban design for proposed developments. (It is worth noting that this can be addressed in future by the Design Review Panel, which is set up as an advisory body to City staff, and takes place as an additional stream of consultation within the development review process. Further details can be seen here.)
Another resident with experience in the OMB process, emphasized that the key players in winning at the OMB are the planners and traffic consultants.
Important: It was mentioned that a recent article from the Globe and Mail was incorrect and should be ignored. It stated that, under proposed new legislation, residents would be blocked from challenging developments within 500 metres of transit stations.
Thank you for taking the time to review this summary. If you’d like to start/renew your KPRI membership then please go here .
Kind regards,
The Board of Directors
Kingsway Park Ratepayers Inc.
EMAIL: kpri@sympatico.ca
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KPRIToronto