Tridel Proposal for Montgomery and Bloor

There was a virtual meeting with Tridel and Board members of local community groups on January 13, 2021.

The meeting on Jan 13 between various neighborhood organizations  (KPRI, TOCA and SKCA) and the team representatives from Tridel for 3100 Bloor St. West concluded with the stated certainty that a reduction in height from the 13 storeys was not acceptable to the builder at this time. However, various architectural step-back mechanisms from the pedestrian perspectives on Bloor and Montgomery seemed to hold promise.

Discussions on the greening of the site occurred, but without Tridel providing details such as tree caliper sizes on the two street fronts, or plans for the wooded glade to be installed creekside. Species selection is an important element on a site such as this and KPRI has subsequently provided considerable detail to Tridel about this vital consideration. This includes lists of Carolinian species that are suitable for reintroduction in this district based on experience going back 25 years.  

The municipal planning department has a substantial list of items they need to see addressed by Tridel. Residents are strongly recommending Tridel works with Planning to see these thoughtful suggestions are incorporated into a renewed application that will receive a happy endorsement.

Tridel stated that within the next few days they will decide whether they are going to submit a revised application or go directly to the LPAT, as they’re entitled to do at this point. Regardless of which path they choose, they committed to maintain communications with our community associations.