By KPRI Director Gail Anderson
The 87 recommendations of the David Crombie led review deal with updating 4 existing land use plans:
The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, The Greenbelt Plan, The Oakridges Moraine Conservation Plan and The Niagara Escarpment Plan.(
The government is proposing changes to the 4 land use plans based on the recommendations and feedback on the Growth Plan. Some of the recommendations related to intensification, green space and the decision-making powers may impact our communities. A recent editorial in the Toronto Star encouraged people to respond to the review recommendations and government proposed changes.
Written responses with comments and feedback are invited by September 30, 2016. The feedback can be provided through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website or can be mailed to: Land Use Planning Review, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario Growth Secretariat, 777 Bay St. Suite 425, 4th floor. For more detailed information, call 1-800-665-1120 or email